Unit 3 - Listening Activity #TESL0120

Listening Activity Unit 3 - #TESL0120

My Family

Objective -  Students will review vocabulary as it pertains to family using both cognitive strategies (directing attention to certain aspects of the texts) and socio--affective strategies.(working in pairs).

Level - Intermediate

Context - This exercise would be used as a single lesson, or as a part of a unit about family in a classroom setting.

Pre-Listening Exercise (3-4 minutes)-  Draw out a family tree example on the white board along with some vocabulary words that occur in the listening sample ie. father, cousin, sister, aunt.  Also discus non-family related words like favourite,  and phrases such as in common and close knit.  Conduct a brief discussion with the class about families and discus what a  family tree is.

Activity #1 (2-3 minutes)

While listening to the sample, ask students to take some notes, paying special attention to the following questions:

1.  Where are the speaker's grandparents coming from?
2.  Who is Uncle Bill married to?
3.  How many siblings does the speaker have?  Who are they?
4.  Where does the speaker's Uncle Bill take her and her cousin?
5.  Where do the speakers grandparents on her mother's side live?


Post-Listening Exercises:(2-3 minutes) - Answer the questions with a partner.   Brief class discussion about the answer to these questions.

Activity #2 - Family Tree (3-4 minutes)

Listen to the speaking text again taking note of each of the family member mentioned and who they are.

Use the following activity page handout to complete the family tree. working in pairs   Fill in the blanks with the correct family member and add any additional information you remember from the listening text.

Post Listening Exercise (1-2 minutes) - Draw and fill out the family tree on the board.  Ask the groups for their answers to the family tree.

Another activity could be for the students to create their own family tree.


Wilson, J. J. (2008). Chapter 2: Listening Texts and Listening Strategies. In Wilson, J. J. (Ed.). How to teach listening (pp.25 -39). Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. 

 Speaking Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBNBEbnYLxw


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